Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Brave Heart - The Lizzie Velasquez Story

A BRAVE HEART: The Lizzie Velasquez Story is a documentary following the inspiring journey of 26 year old, 58 pound Lizzie from cyber-bullying victim to anti-bullying activist. Born with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Velasquez was first bullied as a child in school for looking different and, later online, as a teenager when she discovered a YouTube video labeling her "The World's Ugliest Woman." The film chronicles unheard stories and details of Lizzie's physical and emotional journey up to her multi-million viewed TEDx talk, and follows her pursuit from a motivational speaker to Capitol Hill as she lobbies for the first federal anti-bullying bill. Written by Sara Hirsh Bordo

This young woman is the most beautiful, most amazing young woman I have listened to in quite some time.  Her family is the perfect example of how important it is that we not only protect our children, but empower them.  Stand beside them - not behind them.  Listen. Be aware. Be brave.

Lizzie took her situation and decided to use it for good.  And she rocked it.

We should all be so beautiful.  We should all be so brave. 

My daughter has always marched to her own drummer, so she met plenty of bullies growing up. Once I heard about Lizzie, I knew I wanted to be one of her soldiers.   So here I am - shouting from the rooftop - stream this movie now (it's available online - I used Google Movies).

It would be difficult to review this as a "film".  This is Lizzie's story - shared with her stamp of approval and that is all I am going to say about that.

Rated PG - 13 (but any child over the age of 7 can & should see this - in my opinion.)

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