Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Truth Is a Fun Conversation Starter

Truth is a newsroom drama detailing the 2004 CBS 60 minutes report investigating then-President George W. Bush's military service, and the subsequent firestorm of criticism that cost anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes their careers.

Cate Blanchett is getting Oscar buzz again this year  - more for her role in the upcoming “carol”, - but her portrayal of Mary Mapes is being mentioned as well.  Robert Redford, playing Dan Rather also gives us one of his best screen performances in recent years  – he nailed the mannerisms of the iconic news anchor, without coming off as an impersonator.

The supporting cast is also quite solid, including Dennis Quaid, Elisabeth Moss and Topher Grace.  Stacy Keach also scores high marks as a key witness.

But it’s Cate Blanchett and Topher Grace who steal the show for me – both actors gave brilliant performances and kept this movie interesting. 

If you are a history buff, you will love this movie.  It also stirs up quite a bit of controversy – so if you like a good debate among friends, definitely check this one out. 

I give Truth 3 stars.

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